
Showing posts from September, 2019

September 2019: Welcome Back To School!

Welcome back to all our returning students and families and welcome to all of our new students and families!  We're so glad you're here and we are ready for another exciting, full, interesting year.  There's an old saying- some attribute it to a Chinese curse- "May your life be interesting."  It's sort of a double-edged blessing/curse, isn't it?  Because interesting doesn't necessarily mean positive or good- it could just as easily be negative and bad.  I think of the middle school years in that context- a double-edged blessing/curse.  Sixth grade through eighth grade is such a full time.  Academically, students are learning critical thinking and executive function skills across all content areas.  Socially, they are learning how to interact, get along and resolve conflict with their peers and the adults in their lives.  Physically, they are growing taller, maturing, and those hormones are often raging.  Emotionally, they are feeling...