January 2022: Intentions vs. Resolutions
Happy January! Welcome 2022! A new year! A fresh start! Time to be bombarded by ads encouraging us to set resolutions which will, of course, require expensive accoutrements of all kinds. Losing weight, eating "healthy", spending less, getting organized, getting up earlier... all of these are common resolutions for January first, regardless of the year. It's energizing to imagine how our lives will change when we make these resolutions and we often jump right in with both feet to make them happen. And then a few days or weeks go by and we lose our motivation and interest. Life gets in the way and it's hard to stick to our original resolution. We often feel bad and defeated and we stop trying at all. Let's face it, change is hard (if it were easy, we wouldn't need psychologists or counselors!). This year, rather than setting a resolution, which is often a rigid, achieve/fail framework, perhaps try setting an intention. An intention can ground you, remind you of ...