
Showing posts from June, 2019

Summer Post: 2019

I hope you are all having a relaxing, restful, rejuvenating summer vacation!  While I, too, am on vacation, it doesn't mean I stop reading or thinking about mental health (I highly recommend the book, "Maybe You Should Talk To Someone" by Lori Gottlieb for an interesting not-too-heavy summer read).  In my reading of various blogs, articles, and books,  I came across this useful infographic (posted by The Ana Grace Project) and wanted to share with you (click on it to enlarge).   Enjoy your summer! --Dr. J

June 2019: Another School Year Comes To A Close

All of a sudden, it's June and another school year is done!  Here at Bigelow, we're busy wrapping up the year- 8th graders have returned from the New York trip and are practicing for graduation, 7th graders have gone on their end of the year field trip and are looking towards next year, 6th graders are feeling accomplished and ready for 7th grade (and the rafting trip!).  Whatever our plans for the summer, we are all ready for a change. With transition, however, comes emotion.  Even if your child says they hate school and can't wait for it be over, there is a part of them (perhaps quite small) that will miss the routine and structure of school and the school year.  Be gentle with them (and with yourselves!) at this time.  We can all be  slightly more sensitive when we're moving from one phase to the next.  For more on how to do this, see last June's post:  Changes.... A few interesting ideas and readings to leave you with as we close out the y...