April 2019: Food As Connection

A short post this month, and a break from the usual mental health topics.

As I've written previously, connection with others is a huge factor in resilience and positive health.  No one is healthy in isolation and we are all wired to connect with others.  One of the ways in which we often connect is over food.  Bigelow has recently launched the Bigelow International Food Network as a way to help build and connect the Bigelow community.

The Bigelow International Food Network is an on-line repository of family recipes, submitted by students, families, and staff at Bigelow.  Each recipe has a story behind it and as we collect more, we will be able to see and experience the diverse culture and rich family histories that make up our school community.  Take a look, try the recipes and submit your own!

 Bigelow International Food Network

Spring is on the way and May is Mental Health Awareness month so stay tuned for more information on breaking the stigma, resources available, and more education about mental health.

Happy eating!

-- Dr. J

Helpful Links:

Bigelow International Food Network
Brenee Brown on why human connection matters
Why we crave "comfort" foods


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