October 2019: Mental Health Awareness

Today, October 10, 2019 is World Mental Health Awareness Day.  The theme this year is suicide prevention.  In the Newton Public Schools, we work hard to make sure that students know who to go to if they are thinking about suicide.  We emphasize the message that we all need to look out for each other, so if a student is worried about another student, they are encouraged to talk with a counselor about their concern.  At Bigelow, we have had numerous students come to the counselors about others and in every situation, even if the student in question was upset that a friend had told their "secret", it has led to each student getting the help and support they need.  Part of the way we reinforce this message is by implementing the Signs of Suicide program each year in the 7th grade.  Please click here to read the blog post written last year about the SOS program at Bigelow.

As we move deeper into the fall, school and all the surrounding activities are in full swing. The slower, more relaxed days of summer seem very far away and it can be easy to be overwhelmed by all the demands on our time, feelings, and mental agility. It can make us think that we are not moving forward and just barely hanging on to stay where we are.  If we are struggling with Depression, it is a perfect storm to create the hopeless thinking that can lead to suicidal thoughts. 

It is important to always take a step back, take a deep breath, and to try to see the bigger picture.  Progress (for anything) is rarely a straight line- more often it is a twisting, long, sometimes doubling back on itself path- but we almost always get there.  This is important to remember as our students start to ramp up the school/academic anxiety, the sports performance anxiety, and whatever other anxieties they may be experiencing.  It is important to remember as we, the adults, start to feel the upcoming holiday stress, work stress, and all the other stresses in our daily lives.  We should always take a deep breath and, as the graphic below says, honor our progress and meet ourselves where we (and our children) are. That perspective and the relational connection it requires, can make a huge difference when we are feeling down, struggling or overwhelmed. 

Take of yourselves as we ease towards Halloween, Daylight Savings Time, and the winter holidays.  Find time to connect with those you love and to step back to see and value the journey ahead of (and behind) you. 

Be well,
--Dr. J.


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