April 2020: Covid19 Continues

It's April and we're settling into another few weeks of on-line school content and social distancing.  Many of us have found ways to connect virtually and to support each other through this unfamiliar time.  As anxieties rise and people experience more and more loss (of all kinds), it may be hard to ground ourselves and to feel safe.  Below are a number of resources designed to help families and the adults in those families to cope.

Be kind to yourself and those around you.  Now, more than ever, we need compassion and empathy for each other and ourselves. This is something few of us have ever experienced before and we are all truly doing the best that we can with what we have.  Keep breathing and focusing on what is important to you.

Stay safe, stay home (if you can), stay healthy!

--Dr J

Fun distractions for families:

Free Digital Escape Rooms

Some Good News

Video for fans of Hamilton

Readings focused on coping strategies (mostly for adults):


Help for Depression during Covid19

An article from the Atlantic about this kind of grief

Local resources: 

Newton Public Schools Covid19 Resource Page

Bigelow Middle School Counseling Covid19 Page

City of Newton Covid19 Page

City of Boston Covid19 Page


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